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Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Organization
A simple list of DARPA Offices is also available.
DARPA Technical Offices
- The Defense Sciences Office mission is to identify the most portentous
new ideas within the basic science and engineering community and develop those
ideas into new DoD capabilities.
- The Electronics Technology Office focuses on electronics technology to
produce smaller, lighter, and more mobile information systems.
- The Information Systems Office provides technologies and systems to
allow the commander dominant battlefield awareness and superb force
- The Information Technology Office advances the frontier of computing
systems, information technology, and software to insure that DoD has the
technologies needed for the future.
- The Sensor Technology Office investigates applications of advanced
sensor technology in civil and strategic environments, as well as technology to
counter military threats in the tactical environment.
- The Tactical Technology Office engages in high-risk, high-payoff
advanced military research, emphasizing the "system" and "subsystem" approach to
the development of air, land and naval systems technologies.
- The Technology Reinvestment Project is a very unique
"virtual" organization that spreads across all DARPA Technical Offices;
the Military Services; the Departments of Commerce, Energy and
Transportation; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and
the National Science Foundation. Its central mission is to stimulate a
merging of Defense and commercial industrial bases to assure DoD access
to critical Defense-related technologies at a cost kept low due to a
simultaneous commercial interest.
- Office of the Comptroller is the nucleus
of "corporate" fiscal activities and prepares and submits the consolidated annual
Agency budget, and also manages the planning, programming, and budgeting system
process. COMP develops and implements the proper procedures and controls for
program execution, maintains adequate program accountability documentation,
provides for liaison with the General Accounting Office and the DoD Inspector
General on audit activities, and serves as the Congressional focal point for the
Agency. COMP also maintains a management information system to support DARPA
requirements for accurate and timely fiscal, contractual, and programmatic
information services.
- The Contracts Management Office
(CMO) plans, negotiates, and awards contracts, grants, and agreements for
select new-start technology projects and for consortium and other cooperative
projects where innovative contractual arrangements may be desired.
- The General Counsel (GC) supervises the Freedom of Information (FOI)
and Privacy Act programs within the Agency, assists in the negotiation of
Cooperative Agreements, monitors the Ethics and Procurement Integrity programs,
and provides legal advice and counsel to the Agency's management.
- The Office of Administration and Small Business (OASB) plans,
develops, and coordinates the administrative service functions of the Agency.
This office supervises records management, personnel functions, technical
information programs, and the DARPA Potential Contractor Program; and serves as
the liaison between the technical offices and the DARPA Agents. OASB also
implements the Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program and serves as
the Small
Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Administrator.
- The Security and Intelligence Office (S&IO)
plans, executes, and directs the information, personnel, industrial and physical
security programs at DARPA and at specified contractor sites. This includes
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Special Access Programs (SAP),
declassification management activities, security classification management
program, and the Communications Security Program (COMSEC). S&IO also formulates
and implements security policy and procedures at DARPA and represents DARPA on
security matters with external organizations.
For more information contact webmaster@arpa.mil
Last Updated March, 12 1996
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